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Julianne Li
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Jane Lu
Lotus Realty Group
Real Estate . Mortgage

Servicing Metro Boston
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Email: lotusre@gmail.com

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At Lotus Realty, we combine our local market intuition, creative skills and deep understanding of our client needs and desires, to serve them through the buying or selling process.

Why Work with Us
---2015-09-04 Lexington MA
We were fortunate to have Julianne help us buy two homes, and sell one. In all these cases, Julianne was incredibly knowledgeable, patient, easy to talk to and genuinely interested in helping us find the right home or sell the home with great price. She understands the market well and has fantastic negotiation skills. She went out of her way to assist us throughout the entire home buying process and never made us feel pressured to make a decision. We can truly say that Julianne was not just a realtor, but a genuine friend. If you are on the market either to buy or sell a house, I promise, you won’t be disappointed to work with Julianne.

-- 2015-06-09 lexington MA
Although we were not first-home buyers we had little idea about the area and were completely overwhelmed by the crazy market. Luckily, we had Julianne as our real estate agent who took the time to understand what we wanted and actually needed, and helped us get familiar with the area as quickly and thoroughly as possible as well as set our priorities straight. She was extremely patient with every of our questions and concerns and always provided thoughtful answers, which fully demonstrated her knowledge, experience, and expertise.

Most importantly, she is dependable and trustworthy because she genuinely cares about her clients. We especially appreciate Julianne’s wise advice that kept us stay calm and rational during the “bidding war.” Without her we could have paid a lot more for the house we just bought. So thank you very much, Julianne!-- 2013-08-29 Milton MA
I'm sure all the agents are nice, but Julianne is nice and experienced and professional. Visiting a house with Julianne, you feel like you have also brought a home inspector.
As first time home buyer I really didn't know what to expect but Julianne guilded me through the process, always willing to take a late call to explain something or just calm my nerves. I cannot thank her enough!
Julianne is very conscientious and attentive. She listened to what I was looking for and worked to find the right home for me. She also guided me during the financing process which helped to make the process easy. She is genuine and cares about her clients.

--- 2015-01-08 Waltham MA
I can't say enough about the professionalism, responsiveness, and warmth of Julianne Li. She helped me bought my first home under some difficult circumstances. During the transactions, she was extremely patient and helpful and offered lots of great advice. I highly recommend her.

--- 2014-05-07 Somerville MA
Julianne has been a great realtor and I was fortunate to have her with me throughout my buying process. She knows the market in Boston very well, and after she learned my needs she was able to suggestion options and open houses that suites my budget and needs very well. With multiple compelling options, she was able to analyse very strategically with me the pros and cons, value and bidding competitiveness of each place, and end up finding me the perfect place at a great price. She is also an interior design expert and gave me a lot of great advice in terms of potential of places and modifications. She is a very shrewd negotiator, never pushed me in the process and even went the extra step to ask me to be patient in the negotiation process and price may come down, and it did.

Julianne always has her clients best interest at heart and is in it to build long term relationships. I trust her a lot and would highly recommend to anybody that's looking for a trustworthy realtor to find the dream home.

--- 2014-05-03 Waltham MA
--- 2013-06-25 Hanson MA
Julianne is knowledgeable about the industry, flexible with her time, quick to respond, patient, and honest. We greatly valued her opinion and expertise, and she always made an effort to rearrange her schedule if we wanted her to see a house with us.
Julianne is incredibly patient. We looked for a house for over a year and half, but never felt pressured by Julianne to buy. He always advised us not to get caught up in the frenzy of the market, but to make sure we made the right decision for us and our future. That advice paid off and we were able to find the perfect house for us at just the right time. Julianne helped us negotiate a fair price for the house, and she made the buying process transparent and seamless. Throughout the month prior to closing, Julianne walked us through our checklist of tasks we needed to complete and was great about answering any question we had. As first-time buyers, Julianne's patience, organization, and responsiveness made the whole purchasing experience smooth and as stress-free as such a big decision can be.

-- 2013-05-28
Julianne helped guide us in so many ways through this process. She proactively reached out to keep us alerted to critical time-sensitive steps. She pointed out technical aspects or details during home inspection that were critical. She has a solid knowledge of home values, mechanics. Really, she gained my trust just through hard work and genuine knowledge. I was truly glad to have her expertise through the whole process as a first time home buyer.

--2013-04-22 Newtonville MA
我们是2011年在Julianne的帮助下买的房。我们是第一次买房,又年轻,没有一点经验。一开始根本就不知道自己想要什么样的房子,什么样的房子才适合我们。找的第一个经纪人也是中国人,据说经验非常丰富,而且懂得风水。但由于我们是门外汉,上来就是一通乱看,没有一点下offer的意思,这个经纪人很快就对我们不冷不热了。之后通过朋友的介绍认识了Julianne。她一上来就告诉我们:“不要急,多看看,看个十几、几十套才会有感觉。不过,当有了心仪的、或者很好的deal时,绝对要果断。”就这样,我们在Julie的陪同下,真的看了不下20座房子。在她耐心且非常专业的指导下,我们了解了关于房子的一切基本知识,包括结构、位置、地形、交通、周边环境。真是很感谢她的耐心,一条一条的回答我们非常初级的问题,即使我们显而易见地没有任何可能买下那些房子。当我们觉得做好了准备,开始寻找符合我们价位要求的房子的时候,Julie把open的房子信息,根据她对我们需要的了解,整理好并发给我们;并对我们认真考虑的房子提出非常具体的建议和意见,包括入手后如何改进和装修以达到我们的预想。曾经有两栋房子,位置都满不错,价钱也低于市场价,但是都是年代久远,缺乏维护,需要大动工程的房子。Julie直接向我们指出,这样的房子会是很好的deal,也能做成我们dream house的样子。但是,需要大规模的装修,甚至是结构的改动。对于我们这种新手,她不建议我们出手,以免花了钱,办不好事。而另一栋房子,保养非常好,结构也方正,无须大动干戈,甚至可以直接入住,她建议我们考虑这一所。结果,我们也就是买的这一栋。这些思量对于买房新手是比较难考虑周全的,我们非常感谢Julie的建议。购房过程中,Julie当然是非常娴熟地利用她丰富的经验和准确的判断,帮助我们拿到了非常好的价格。而且她还进行贷款业务,帮助我们拿到了很低的利率,并且及时通知我们利率的变化。到目前为止,我们已经在她的帮助下进行了两次refinance,拿到了几乎最低的利率,我们非常满意。在买房过程中,还出现了和邻居房子在地界上划分不明确的情况(上一任房主造成的)。Julie陪着我们几次到town里和city里去查原始的deed的纪录,以及历年的变迁,终于和邻居澄清了问题,拿回了应属于我们的lot。不然后果难以想像。 不要以为买完房子Julie就没有用处了,我们的装修也多亏了她的帮忙。Julie虽然不是专业的内部装潢设计出身,但她对房子内部空间的布局、利用都很有见地。我们听取了她非常多的意见。我们用的也是Julie推荐的装修师傅,但她并不是要求我们一定要用这个师傅,而是诚恳地建议我们多找几家师傅咨询,再挑信誉度高、工作完成的好的师傅用。Julie推荐的师傅不论是价格、工作质量、包括工作态度,我们都很满意。 Julie待人热情、诚恳,对工作非常负责,是一个很好的房产经纪人。同时,也能成为很好的朋友。

----2011-10-21 Lexington MA
Julianne于2011年秋帮我们在LEXINGTON买了房,后又于2012年春帮我们售出原来位于ANDOVER的公寓房。 自从2010年初请她帮我们关注ANDOVER市场情况以后,在当年春季至秋季之间,Julianne不辞劳苦,一有合适的房子上市就及时通知我们,频繁多次长途劳顿,陪同我们看房。针对我们的需求,她总是能帮我们分析每幢房子的忧劣,提出建议。经过多次看房给价,终于有卖主接受了我们的价格。但是不幸的是,在房检过程中发现此房过去有白蚁侵蚀的隐患。我们当时很犹豫,是退出合同呢,还是利用这个机会要求卖主重新议定价格。最后在她的建议下退出了合同。对于她宁肯丧失即将成功的买卖而建议我们退出合同,完全从我们的利益出发,我们心怀感激。 经过大半年的劳顿,最终一无所获,我们也觉得气馁。在冬天期间,她和我们坦诚地谈了一次。她提出,根据她的观察,我们其实对ANDOVER并不满意。因此她建议我们同时也关注其它学区优秀的社区。所谓当局者迷,旁观者清,我们商议后觉得她的分析正是我们内心所想。 2011年春季开始,我们就扩大了范围,同时关注WINCHESTER和LEXINGTON等地区的房源。Julie一如既往,仍然多次陪同我们看房。这些社区价格更具竞争性。我们也因此不得不多次丧失机会。估计每一位购房者都有此经历。这不仅浪费了我们很多精力,同时也浪费了Julie很多时间,但是她一如既往,随叫随到,没有任何怨言。功夫不负有心人,终于在冬季来临之前,在LEXINGTON买到了合适的房子。 随后,我们就面临着如何处置在ANDOVER的公寓房的问题。Julie建议我们出租一两年,因为依据她的判断,波士顿房市将于短期内回转。我们当时对此不以为然,同时又实在不愿意花精力打理出租的种种事宜,决心出售。既然我们决心已下,她就凭借她过去修缮和出售房屋的丰富经验,建议我们利用冬季市场萧条之际,做几项重要的更新改进,并向我们推荐了经验丰富,价钱公道的工人。我们的公寓房上市两三个月之内,就找到了满意的买家。最终的成交价格,和一年内同小区的其他公寓的销售记录相比,每平方尺的单价是最高的。 现在事情已经过去一年多了。就目前麻州东部的房市情况看来,我们不得不佩服Julie当时对市场的判断。 通过和她交往的这段经历,我们意识到她是一个不可多得的生意伙伴。 从我们的经历看来,她耐心敬业,坦诚信用。她总是从客户的利益出发,即使是我们不愿意听的意见,她也不回避。我们在短期之内可能没有房产交易之需了,但是仍然和Julie保持联系。因为她不仅是一个生意伙伴,也是一位可信的朋友。

--2012-08-18 Newton MA, United States 我看房前前后后差不多有一年。孩子要上高中,想找高中附近的房子,还要有公共交通方便我在波士顿城里上班。在Newton四十万以内找到这样的住房不是个很容易的事情。Julianne是个既有魄力又有耐心的人,对房子的见识丰富,让她把关我很放心。讲价的时候她也很有策略,对空间改造的见解创意独到。2房1浴带车库的房子,采用她的建议用不多的成本做成了现在3房1个半浴,她介绍的装修师傅手艺靠谱,我非常满意,真的谢谢她。

--2012-04-18 14:04:30 Quincy MA

----2011-03-18 Lexington MA

The highest compliment we can receive from you is your referrals. We appreciate your trust!!
© 2013 Lotus Realty Group All rights reserved.

Servicing: Acton, Arlington, Ashby, Ashland, Ayer, Bedford, Belmont, Billerica, Boxborough, Burlington, Cambridge, Carlisle, Chelmsford, Concord, Dracut, Dunstable, Everett, Framingham, Groton, Holliston, Hopkinton, Hudson, Lexington, Lincoln, Littleton, Lowell, Malden, Marlborough, Maynard, Medford, Melrose, Natick, Newton, North Reading, Pepperell, Reading, Sherborn, Shirley, Somerville, Stoneham, Stow, Sudbury, Tewksbury, Townsend, Tyngsborough, Wakefield, Waltham, Watertown, Wayland, Westford, Weston, Wilmington, Winchester, Woburn